The Executive Efficient Furniture Style For Minimalist & Functional Living
Faith Led Interior Design Show | Episode 12
I have been doing a series of episodes introducing the 12 major furniture styles on the market today. I call the series “What Is My Furniture Style?”. Most of them are not trends but rather shapes, textures, and lines that you like. You choose one, two, or three (at most) of the styles for your home, which you can blend together. This blend of styles creates a whole new style called an Eclectic Style. Once you choose the styles you love, this tells you which ones to shop for and eliminates all the rest. It eliminates all of the other thousands of furniture choices.
You will find the furniture series very helpful in establishing your favorite style or styles, making shopping for interior furnishings much easier.
Today’s episode is about a very minimalist style which I call the Executive Efficient Furniture Style. This is all about clean lines, organization, efficiency, and, of course, convenience. One thing I hear from everyone with this style is, “I don’t want to have to dust it”. If this is something you say, keep listening. This may be one of your favorite styles!
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The Executive Efficient Furniture Style For Minimalist & Functional Living
Having a clean, organized, and functional living and workspace is critical for the people with this style. A well-designed executive style has the potential to not only boost productivity but also to make the workday more productive. For this person, this makes the day infinitely more enjoyable!
My clients Steve and Dona have this style as one of their styles. It was coupled with a modern transitional ranch style when they had a horse ranch in Reno, NV, and with a South Pacific style when they built their home on a private island in Fiji.
The thing that made it Executive Efficient was that Steve and Dona liked very few accessories.
This style can feel underdone for someone who does not have this style. It can feel extremely sparse. I remember Steve wanting smaller area rugs in front of the furniture. That is not the usual way to do it, but it actually worked with this style.
10 Characteristics of a Person Who Likes This Style:
People who love this Executive Efficient Furniture style are ambitious.
Their home is a nerve center from which action is generated.
Furnishings must work or else they are not needed.
The function of a room is highly important.
The furniture piece must work, or it is not needed.
Lasting quality is usually a prerequisite of this style.
Easy care and expediency of care are heavenly for people who like this style.
Smart Homes and high-tech gadgets are key to the function of the home.
Cleaning and upkeep are efficient, simple, and stress-free.
This person is a happy minimalist and has very few accessories.
10 Styling Tips and Tricks for a Person Who Designs Using the Executive Efficient Furniture Style:
“Less is More” is a phrase from the Bauhaus in the 1930s, but it still applies today with this style.
The shape of an object should follow its function - “Form follows Function”. Again a phrase from the 1920s-1930s Bauhaus era. Function first and then aesthetics.
Sparse interiors, clean lines - almost office-like appearance, even in the home. The architecture itself can create the appearance of art.
Restrained color schemes - usually a neutral palette.
Performance fabrics that can be thrown into the washing machine and come out looking like new, are very appealing in this style.
High-tech everything. Kitchen design - retractable range hood that disappears down into the cabinet. Functional sliding shelves on your kitchen sink. The drawer microwave, below counter and so much more...
Texture, Texture, Texture - Because this style is so simple, textures can add much-needed interest to the interior design.
Little if any art - if there is art. It is a single dominant accessory or a large, usually abstract or a favorite piece of fine art. Empty floor and wall spaces are wanted and great in this design.
Design efficient drawers for ease of finding utensils, spices, or whatever the subject of that drawer is.
Easy care and very durable materials.
What Is Your Design Personality Style?
If you have not taken the Design Personality Style Quiz, go to Episode #3 to take it.
It is important to determine both your Design Personality Style and your Furniture Style.
The personality quiz is designed to work along with your furniture style. It is important to establish your interior design personality style first because it helps to determine your interior design furniture style.
Once you determine both your Interior Design Personality and your Furniture Style, it makes shopping so much easier and less stressful. The reason is that you now shop only for your personality and furniture styles. It eliminates all the other personality types and furniture styles that really are not yours.
Determine your personality style and furniture style or styles first and then continue with your interior design plan.
What’s Next For You?
Industrial (Episode 13)
Mid Century Modern (Episode 14)
Know that you and your family are loved and I pray blessings over you this week! Until next time!
Examples of the Executive Efficient Furniture Style
To see many examples of the furnishings that go along with this style, visit Sheree’s Shop at my website and scroll down to the Executive Efficient Furniture Style. There you will see sofas, sectionals, chairs, coffee tables, lamps, area rugs, and accessories in this style.
Get a free copy of the 2022 Interior Design Trends report and the 2022 RESA - Home Staging Report.
Take the quiz here to determine your Interior Design Personality.
Browse samples of the furnishings that can go with your style here.